The latest update on the new membership system called Compass is:
As of July 14th the current membership system will start to be shut off, so any CRB’s or Appointment changes need to take place by this time.
Beginning in August leaders will be sent an invite to the new membership system via the email address record on
Between August 2014 and October all Youth data needs to be added to the system
Between September 2014 and October the County will be running Q&A sessions
By 31st October 2014 all youth data needs to be added to compass via one of 4 methods:
Any youth records already created will transfer across automatically
If using Online Scout Manager a data dump will be taken on a specific date and youth data will be uplodaed
Complete the spreadsheet Compass Upload Files using the guidelines detailed Compass Youth Upload Information, and once instructed by HQ upload these via a secure site. Each section will need a seperate file
Once online in compass you can manually create all records